Which came first matters less than which delivers more value.
Hatch[This] is an entrepreneur-led Venture Lab & Nano-Fund combining expertise, networks and capital to build impactful startups with legs.
What’s [This]?
[This] is a problem. It’s an inefficiency. It’s like the splitting migraine behind your left eye that doesn’t go away. It is something that is clearly broken and yet you continue to witness your colleagues, customers or friends accepting it as “normal” or putting up with it as if it’s “the only way”.
That’s where you come in. You despise mediocrity. You hate [This]. You’re not someone who wants to “change the world” necessarily, but rather, you’re someone who has developed a thoughtful and obsessive vision of how you can solve [This] to make a meaningful and scalable difference in the lives of a specific community, sector or industry.
Sound like you?
We don’t care how you like your eggs. We’re here to hatch chickens. Chickens that cross roads, break boundaries & make a difference.
Venture Lab
With unemployment continuing to rise - smart, capable and industrious individuals like yourself shouldn’t be trying to find new jobs; you should be creating them.
Sure, business is hard (it can be terrifying), and we understand that you may not know how to start and incubate a new venture from scratch by yourself; but that’s why we exist.
As an entrepreneur-led Venture Lab, we partner with you to reduce the risk in your startup or brand, increase your speed to market, and take many of the difficult things off your plate in order to enable you to focus on doing the one thing that you do best - whether it be driving product vision or winning over new customers.
Strategy, Implementation & Growth
We're dedicated “first-check” investors and support pre-seed/early-stage companies that are innovating in the consumer goods, technology and entertainment media sectors.
We can help you if your [This] involved building one of these:
Disruptive Software Technologies
Innovative Consumer
New Media & Entertainment
Our Experience
We’ve co-hatched and advised on new ventures & products with world-class brands, startups & SMEs.

“Legs Make All The Difference.”
Which came first matters less than which delivers more value.
We like to think of new, fresh and even brilliant ideas as delicate, fragile eggs with potential. They require the right people, resources, networks, capital, and time to successfully incubate them into little chicks with legs.
Legs are the difference between an idea and a real business. Legs make raising more capital and recruiting top talent easier. Legs make your customers excited. Legs turn dreams into reality.